
wpXtube plugin installation

  1. Download the wpXtube plugin here
  2. Extract and Upload the full directory into your wp-content/plugins directory. It will create a ‘wp-content/plugins/wpxtube/’ directory
  3. Use your FTP or Shell program to create one directory called: ‘wpt_cache’ in your WordPress content directory: wp-content/ . you will then have a ‘wp-content/wpt_cache’ directory
  4. make the ‘wp-content/wpt_cache’ directory writable via CHMOD 777

wpXtube theme installation

  1. Download the wpXtube theme here
  2. Extract and Upload the full directory into your wp-content/theme directory. It will create a ‘wp-content/theme/wpxtubetheme/’ directory
  3. Follow the instruction in WordPress Codex to activate it

wpXtube plugin activation

wpXtube requires a license key to run. Your can generate your license Here: wpXtube license creation

You need to enter the following information:

  1. Domain name on which wpXtube is installed: Your domain name must match your WordPress home domain.
  2. VIP Revenue username
  3. AV Revenue username

You can grab your license number from the following page wpXtube Licenses:

wpXtube license listing

Copy and paste the license key from the wpXtube website back to your copy of wpXtube in the settings page and click on Save Changes button:

wpXtube license listing